Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Fresh Start (well, kinda)

Wow, story of my life, pretty much.

Have you ever looked back at an archive of your life and you just cringe and cringe as you turn a page backwards? You thought 'did I really do that?!' or 'who was this person?' and you can't help but roll your eyes at your past self. I always do that - all the time. I look at my Facebook timeline, my Instagram photos, and my blog, and the thought of me actually saying what I said a year ago irks me so much, too much that I actually decided to revamp my whole blog altogether, including the URL. I didn't delete my posts though - just turned them into drafts, so the only people who would be cringing in my face would be myself, and not mysterious, anonymous lurkers who barely knew my face.

So, since it's 2013, and it's technically a new year (even though I'm practically two and a half months past it - whatever, I procrastinate a lot), I figured that I should give my blog a new start. I was obsessed with getting followers and commercialising my posts just to get a higher blog feed, but then it beats my purpose of having a blog. The reason I started a blog was to channel my thoughts and my rather mediocre writing skills somewhere, and not let it die down as I grow older. It was meant to be private, and not filled with advertisements and promotions and giveaways. Hey, I really love some blogs who do lots of them, but that's just not me.

As I grew up, I realised I've lost touch with many things that I used to love. I used to love my camera, reading my books for hours, discovering new music, writing my thoughts out, and baking (that is one unfathomable thought, but I really love baking back then). Many things changed me than who I really was, and sometimes, I look back and I just can't recognise myself anymore. Like, this is not me - all of this is not me.

So maybe, this time round, this blog would help me retrieve my old self - my old self that I really love.

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